A research project to determine the feasibility of subsea datacenters powered by offshore renewable energy
Project Natick seeks to understand the benefits and difficulties in deploying subsea datacenters worldwide. Phase two extends the research we accomplished in phase one by deploying a full-scale datacenter module in the North Sea, powered by renewable energy.
This is the continuing story of Project Natick.
Learn more about Project Natick : https://natick.research.microsoft.com/
Read about the deployment of the Northern Isles in the Orkney Islands https://news.microsoft.com/features/under-the-sea-microsoft-tests-a-datacenter-thats-quick-to-deploy-could-provide-internet-connectivity-for-years/#:~:text=The%20deployment%20of%20the%20Northern%20Isles%20datacenter%20at,operate%20lights%20out%20on%20the%20seafloor%20for%20years.
Check out how Project Natick helped the hunt for a COVID-19 vaccine https://news.microsoft.com/innovation-stories/project-natick-covid-19/